Hawridge & Cholesbury School PSA

Chairperson: Cat Gray,  Treasurer: Lisa Rolfe,  Secretary:  Kim Wigfield

Charity Registration: 282120

Hawridge & Cholesbury School Parent School Association (PSA) is a key element of our school community, supporting the school to provide fun activities for the children whilst fundraising for vital additional resources for the school.

 Hawridge & Cholesbury School Parent School Association (PSA) is a registered charity (Charity Registration: 282120).  The day to day running of the PSA is the responsibility of a committee which is made up of both parent and staff volunteers.

There are a number of official positions on the committee which are needed to fulfil the PSA’s obligations as a registered charity and these include a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. This all sounds very formal but in fact most roles on the PSA committee are informal and involve running events and other fundraising activities. 

In addition to the formal roles, all parents & carers of children at Hawridge and Cholesbury School are members of the PSA. 

 The PSA relies on parent volunteers and support to be successful!

Hawridge & Cholesbury C of E School lottery is now LIVE!
Our PSA have signed up to the Buckinghamshire Lottery.
Tickets for the lottery cost just £1 per week with a top prize of £25,000! 
From every £1 ticket you buy, 60p will go towards our school.
To purchase tickets please follow the link below!
Good luck! 
Watch  this video to see what we did in 2022-2023!

The PSA’s objectives are two-fold; to raise money to improve the educational opportunities available to the children at Hawridge and Cholesbury School and to help foster a strong sense of community among the children, parents and staff. Ultimately everything the PSA does is for the benefit of the children. Together with the parents, carers and children who support the fundraising activities, every year the PSA raises a lot of money and makes a very positive contribution to the school.

The PSA helps to raise funds for the school to supplement the school’s budget from the government.  Parents are often surprised at what the PSA funds that otherwise couldn’t be afforded from the official school budget.

How does the PSA raise money?

Mostly through events. Some events are just for the children, some for the grown-ups and others for the whole family – but the aim is always to raise money whilst creating fun!  The calendar of events is planned at the start of the school year and are publicised through PSA newsletters, school newsletters and the Class What’sApp groups. 

In recent years the PSA has raised £4 – £5,000 every year from a range of events. The money has paid for electronic white boards & tablets for all classes, new dining hall tables, phonics learning resources, lots of library books, dictionaries & thesauruses for years 3-6, writing curriculum resources for the whole school and much more.

This year our fundraising focus is the development and enhancement of our wonderful school grounds with the redevelopment of the ‘quiet garden’ and the creation of the Mosaic Maze.

Why should you get involved?

The PSA funds educational resources and supplements the school budget allocated by the Government.  So being involved with the PSA directly benefits your child’s school & educational experience. 

It’s also a lot of fun!  Being involved in the PSA is a fast-track way of getting to know the school, staff and other parents from across all year groups.

You don’t need to make a big commitment to be a part of the PSA and there are lots of different ways to get involved, even if you only have a little time to spare. Many parents on the PSA committee work full or part time; some get involved throughout the year, others just for a single event. You don’t need any specific skills and it’s a great opportunity to learn new ones. All new ideas are welcome and you can do as little or as much as you like.  If the PSA isn’t for you right now, you can still make a much-valued contribution by coming along to the events and supporting the fundraising.

To find out more about joining the team or getting involved with planned events an email at or scan the QR code to join the PSA Members What’sApp group.