

Maths is interlinked within all areas of learning. Within provision children are encouraged to talk about number, shape, space and measures, in order to develop their mathematical skills. At Hawridge and Cholesbury we use 'White Rose Maths' schemes of learning for teaching mathematics. It is a mastery approach which enables all children to understand, enjoy and succeed in Maths. This is done by developing children's understanding. By truly understanding each mathematical concept and by mastering learning one step at a time, everyone can do maths! Children develop the right growth mindset, by solving problems using concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract thinking.

In the Autumn term, parents are invited to a Maths information morning where you can learn about the scheme we use, how it is delivered and how to support your child in their learning.

 Useful documents and links

-          White Rose Maths - Information for Parents and Carers

-          Helping children with Maths - games and activities