Pupil Voice
PE Pupil Voice Jan 2020
What activities have you been doing in P.E. this year?
- Gymnastics –rolls, jumping, walking across the bench etc.
- Balance activities, Motor skills such as catching and throwing.
- Hockey
- Bench ball
- Running, handstands, Jumping
Action: Show a wider range of activities such as netball, swimming, basketball, rugby – staff training needed for this and an external person to come into deliver some of these lessons would be sensible.
What skills have you been learning in P.E.?
- My favourite thing to do is cricket, I like bowling and hitting the ball – Reception
- I have learnt how to dribble a ball – Year 3
- Learning how to balance on a balancing beam – Year 2
Action: Children are unsure between skills and games/actions. Perhaps we should look at using the specific skill-based vocabulary when we are delivering our PE lessons and making it very obvious when we are delivering lessons.
What do you like most about your P.E. classes?
- It’s fun, you can play with different balls and I like working in a team – Year 2
- I like how my teacher offers a selection of very different sports and activities to do, which has helped give us a lot of opportunities to try new things – Year 4
- I like it because we always do different activities, last term we did gymnastics and now we are doing dance and I like that we get to move our bodies a lot. – Year 4
- It’s really fun and I really enjoy it! – Year 4
- It’s a time where you can move around and have fun and forget schoolwork for a little while – Year 6
- Dribbling the ball when we are using our hockey sticks – Year 3
The enjoyment is there, and children love to move around.
Action: Children love sports and it clearly has a positive impact on their wellbeing. It is important we can protect our PE slots as much as possible. Studies have shown that exposing our children to physical activity for just 20 minutes each day, can help support concentration for longer period during the school day.
Are there any sports that you would like to do more of at school?
The following activities that children would like to do or do more of:
- Football, rugby, hockey, basketball, swimming for the rest of KS2, longer sessions.
Action: I will look into activity leaders doing these activities with the children.
Are you involved in any after school sports clubs?
- I think that football club matches are fun, you can get muddy, learn new skills and enjoy playing in a team – Year 3
- It’s fun because you can train with other people – and playing with other teams outside of school – Year 6
- I love Taekwondo because it burns energy and I enjoy it a lot. I learnt how to do knife-hand strike and L stance and you get a lot of power in this move – Year 4
After school clubs have a big impact on children’s mental health and learning how to take part in a team.
Action: Athletics to start for 4 weeks, before sports day.
Why do you think P.E. is an important subject to learn at school?
- Physical Education is important because you can get fit and strong – Year 3
- We need to burn energy and get fitter, so PE is a good opportunity to do that – Year 4
- You make progress after each lesson you do – Year 6
Action: Children at Hawridge are very aware of the impact that physical activity has on our wellbeing and bodies. This needs to continue.
Who's your favourite sports star?
- Harry Kane he is really sporty and England’s captain
- Usan Bolt – He fastest runner
- Mason Mount – Chelsea footballer
- Dwan Familliam – rugby player
- Alexandre Lacazette – He is a great player
- Johnny Wilikson – He is a good kicker
Action: No mention of female sports stars at all across the whole school – Expose our children to more female sports stars from around the world. Any female sports stars available to come into school?
It was great to hear so many healthy food options from the children when I asked them ‘What do you think healthy food looks like?’.
Both KS1 and KS2 mentioned the following foods:
Carrots, Vegetables, Fruit, Salads and certain items like avocados for healthy fats and increasing our intake of water to help our body function correctly.
Action: We need to teach children that healthy foods are not just ‘fruit’ and ‘salads’. There are such things as good fats and explain the importance of getting a wide range of nutrients into the body.